Which Parks and Recreation Character Are You?
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Welcome to Pawnee, Indiana, home of the most dedicated Parks and Recreation office you’ll ever meet. We’ve got our director, Ron Swanson, a man of the earth and lover of bacon. We’ve got our intern April, angst personified. For some reason, Andy is always hanging around (sometimes shining shoes,Show More
Welcome to Pawnee, Indiana, home of the most dedicated Parks and Recreation office you’ll ever meet. We’ve got our director, Ron Swanson, a man of the earth and lover of bacon. We’ve got our intern April, angst personified. For some reason, Andy is always hanging around (sometimes shining shoes, sometimes breaking things). Tom is the swag master extraordinaire. And of course, there’s the fearless leader, Leslie, a woman of zest and pizzazz.
The Pawnee Parks and Rec office is truly a cast of characters, and after watching them all for seven seasons, we know that you love them all. Every friend group has their Parks and Rec characters picked out: Maybe you’re an Andy, lovable but not that smart. Or perhaps you’re an Ann, glorious sunfish, beautiful peacock. Or maybe you’re always treatin’ yoself like Tom.
Take the quiz. Find out which of these lovable characters channels your inner self. You won’t be sorry.

Select your favorite breakfast food.
Avocado Toast

How do you feel about social media?
- Oh maaaan I love it! I’ve got Pinterest and Twitter and Snappy Snap and Facebook, and I even kick it old school with Myspace sometimes, plus I need to hit up my Insta every day.
- I’ve heard that kids are moving to Twitter, so I made myself a Twitter and tweeted 1000 times about my role models.
- I’ve got a pretty average social media presence; Facebook, Twitter, the like.
- I only use social media when I’ve hacked into someone else’s account and I’m leaving uncomfortable messages for their ex-lovers.
- No.
- I love GIFs. GIFs for days. Is that social media?

Which house looks ideal to you?

You're walking down the street and you see Li'l Sebastian. How do you feel?
- He’s just so beautiful.
- Oh my god. Oh my god it’s him.
- Li’l Sebastian is the greatest celeb of them all. Gotta take a selfie!
- I don’t want to get overly emotional, but Li’l Sebastian is really great.
- He is a VERY cute horse.

How do you feel about government?
- It’s the devil.
- All I want in my life is to be part of a government that serves its people.
- It’s fine, but the private sector is where it’s at.
- I like it because I hate helping people and it doesn’t help people.
- It doesn’t have enough rock and roll or ninjas.
- I think the government has its place, but sometimes it doesn’t do enough to help its citizens.

What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?
- A man does not feel embarrassment.
- I got bullied a lot as a kid and that was pretty embarrassing.
- That time I accidentally poisoned my friends by creating a drink that was basically rat poison.
- I cover all embarrassment with feelings of hatred for other humans.
- That time I failed at achieving my greatest dream in life.
- I don’t really know what embarrassment is, but I do know that I can eat a full pound of fries in a minute.

Do you like people?
- Yes
- No

Which song is your favorite?
- “The Pit” by Mouse Rat
- Anything with saxophone
- “Let’s Stay Together” by Al Green
- “It’s the End of the World as We Know It” by R.E.M.
- I’m really into grunge.
- “Pony” by Ginuwine

What makes you the most anxious?
- Thinking about my exes.
- When I can’t find my guitar.
- Getting old
- The prospect that I may never achieve my dreams.
- Losing my phone
- The possibility that I’m not as smart as everyone I know.
- Having to choose between two things I love.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
- Catch up on my latest business venture.
- Build things
- Hang out with my besties.
- Watch TV and drink wine.
- Play music
- Prank people

How would you describe your style?
- I’m a peacock, baby! One of a kind.
- Practical
- Powerful, like Hillary Clinton or Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
- Whatever I found on my floor this morning.
- Kind of business casual
- Punk

What do you think of Pawnee, Indiana?
- It’s OK, I guess.
- I love it.
- It’s the greatest city in the world.
- It’s a small pond and I’m a big fish.
- It’ll do.
- I like it, but I don’t know if it’s the place I’ll stay forever.

What's your favorite food group?
- Vegetables and Coffee
- Swag
- Sugars and Fats
- Whatever’s microwaveable
- The candy part
- Meat

When at work, you should always give how much effort?
- 110%
- the bare minimum per task
- Your 110% which is honestly everyone else’s like 300%
- None of your business
- Uhhh about idk like 75% That’s like the most you can give without failing right?
- As in all things in life you do your absolute best unless it’s for the government. If that is so the case, then you do absolutely no work and watch as it all burns down.

Pick a hobby
- Wine Tasting
- Fashion
- Reading and history
- Spooky stuff
- Music and Games
- Crafts and Smelting

Pick some shoes
Comfy and practical
Urban OutfittersSomething bold and exciting.
Urban OutfittersSomething heavy and good for kicking
GettyImages.comSomething sensible but smart and cute
GettySomething handmade that you can't tell is handmade.
GettySomething very simple and clean...well clean when I buy em.

Whats the best way to eat a bologna sandwich?
- Not at all, do you know what’s in bologna?
- Definitely cold
- Room temperature like a school lunch that’s been waiting for you since 8 am on a field trip
- There is but one way, thick cut and charred like a beautiful steak served on toasted white bread with a shot of whiskey.

Which of these do you drink most of each day?
Soda/Energy Drinks

How would you describe your ex/exes?
- Childish but sweet
- Out of my league
- Honestly, a bit of a douchebag
- Complicated…different.
- I don’t really remember.
- A demon made human.

Waffles or Pancakes?
- Waffles
- Pancakes
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