Can We Guess Which Three Fictional Characters Make Up Your Personality?
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As all your friends have been posting which three characters they are, you’re probably having trouble deciding which three you are. Don’t worry — just take this quiz to find out which combination of fictional characters resembles your personality! Because we are complex human beings, there usuallShow More
As all your friends have been posting which three characters they are, you’re probably having trouble deciding which three you are. Don’t worry — just take this quiz to find out which combination of fictional characters resembles your personality! Because we are complex human beings, there usually isn’t just one fictional character that we are perfectly aligned with in every way. You may have the silly optimism of Linda Belcher but the outgoing nature of Spongebob Squarepants and the determination and drive of Leslie Knope. You deserve to know which combination of three characters fits perfectly with your perfect personality (which is perfect because you are perfect!). All you have to do is answer 12 simple personality questions to get your result! We will ask you about your daily habits and drink preferences, how you handle conflict and your political beliefs. Each of your answers helps us get a picture of just who you are!

You’re new in town and got invited to a house party. You arrive and don’t see anyone you know. Who is the first person you approach?
- Whoever looks loneliest.
- Preferably no one.
- The best-looking person there.
- Whoever looks most useful.

Your friends are having a disagreement. What’s more important?
- I get my way
- Everyone is happy
- Making a decision and moving on

An overpowering thirst comes over you. What’s the best quencher?
- Dry gin martini
- Bourbon, straight-up
- Diet Coke
- Green tea
- Strawberry smoothie
- Water

Immigration is always a big issue in politics. What’s your opinion?
- They take our tax dollars and shoot all the jobs.
- Immigrants are the backbone of America!
- As long as they’re nice people, I don’t mind.

It’s Sunday night and you have to prepare for the week ahead. What are you doing?
- Plotting how to manipulate people to get what I want.
- Planning each day’s outfit, meal, and schedule.
- Enjoying whatever freedom I have until it ends.
- Relaxing with a stiff one.
- Sharing a delicious meal with my family.

Speaking of planning for outfits, do you actually put effort into what you wear?
- Of course! Got to look your best everyday.
- When something special is going on.
- If bending down to pick clothes up off the floor is effort, then yes.

It's easy to choose three fictional characters to show your personality. But which real-life celebrity would you throw into the mix?
Vladimir Putin
Burt Reynolds
Anna Kendrick
Helen Mirren

We can’t all be “amazing.” Which “A” word best describes you?
- Amicable
- Ambitious
- Adventurous
- Antisocial
- Admirable
- Alpha

It’s Friday night and you decide to treat yourself to a dinner out. What are you in the mood for?
Foie gras
BBQ ribs

You moved into a new apartment and the landlord says you can have only one pet. Which one do you choose?

This glass is…
- Half full
- Half empty
- An opportunity

There’s a beauty pageant being held in your town, and the prize is a lot of money! Do you throw your name in?
- Have you seen me! I’d win a beauty pageant, hands down.
- Pageants are stupid and demeaning.
- My best friend is competing. I’ll root for her!
- If I were female, of course.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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