Tell Us Your Favorite Cheat Foods and We’ll Give You a Healthy Recipe

Ah, junk food. We all have a love/hate relationship with this calorie-heavy cuisine, and although it’s hard not to love it, it also tends to make one feel guilty immediately after indulging in it. Whether it be sugary candy, salty snacks, or binging on fast food takeout, everyone has their own favorShow More

Ah, junk food. We all have a love/hate relationship with this calorie-heavy cuisine, and although it’s hard not to love it, it also tends to make one feel guilty immediately after indulging in it. Whether it be sugary candy, salty snacks, or binging on fast food takeout, everyone has their own favorites when it comes to cheat-food choices, what’s yours? Are you all about finger-licking fried chicken from KFC? Or do you prefer a spicy, saucy taco combo at Taco Bell? Would you choose a frosted donut over a breakfast sandwich at McDonald’s any day? And what about snacks? Do you tend to reach for a salty bag of pretzels or chips over sweeter options?

This quiz will ask you about your fave cheat foods. Then, based on your choices, we’ll give you a healthy recipe that you’ll love. Ready to find out what’s for dinner? Grab a napkin and let’s get started!

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What cheat food is your go-to for breakfast?

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